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Palin Revolution

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin says President Obama needs to go to war with Iran to boost his chances of re-election, adding that the US is “ready for another revolution”.
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Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin says President Obama needs to go to war with Iran to boost his chances of re-election, adding that the US is “ready for another revolution”. “Ms Palin’s comments to Fox News Sunday followed a provocative speech on Saturday to the Tea Party Convention in Nashville. Amid chants of ‘Run, Sarah, run’, Ms Palin told the Nashville audience: ‘America is ready for another revolution and you are part of this.’ The former governor of Alaska also mocked the president as a ‘charismatic guy with a tele-prompter’ and accused him of being a ‘professor of law at a lecture’ rather than the US commander-in-chief. However, it was Ms Palin’s comments about Mr Obama on Sunday that are likely to cause most controversy. ‘Things would dramatically change if he [Mr Obama] decided to toughen up and do all that he can to secure our nation and our allies,’ she told Fox. ‘Say he decided to declare war on Iran, or decided to really come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do.’ Pressed on whether she would run in 2012, she said: ‘I would if I believe that that is the right thing to do for our country and for the Palin family.’

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Speaking at the closing of the Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Sarah Palin was likely happier to take her hundred grand speaking fee than boost her 2012 chances, says Bloomberg News.

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