Derrick E. Vaughan
I'm from te basketball and hip-hop culture fusion born in 1984 that is known now as The "Dunkadelic-Era" In America, 1984-2009. The "Dunkadelic-Era" is celebrating its 25th Anniversary during the year 2009. 25-years of hoops and hip-hop culture. Now that's Dunkadelic!
The basketball and hip-hop culture term “dunkadelic” was created in 1997. Should the hoops and hip-hop inspired term be applied to the American English dictionary?
The basketball and hip-hop culture fusion born in 1984 that is known now as The “Dunkadelic-Era” In America, 1984-Present. The “Dunkadelic-Era” is celebrating its 25th Anniversary during the year 2009 (1984-2009).