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Wikio Releases Latest Science Blog Rankings

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1 Wired Science – Wired Blog
2 Watts Up With That?
3 Climate Progress
4 Environmental Capital
5 Dispatches from the Culture Wars
6 TierneyLab – New York Times blog
7 Gristmill
8 Respectful Insolence
9 Effect Measure
10 The Frontal Cortex
11 Next Generation Science
12 RealClimate
13 FuturePundit
14 A Blog Around The Clock
15 Greg Laden’s Blog
16 Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted
17 Gene Expression
18 Cognitive Daily
19 Uncertain Principles
20 BPS Research Digest
21 Deltoid
22 Laelaps
23 SciGuy
24 The Questionable Authority
25 denialism blog
26 Good Math, Bad Math
27 Thoughts from Kansas
28 Aetiology
29 Inductivist
30 The Write Stuff
31 FemaleScienceProfessor
32 Dynamics of Cats
33 Terra Sigillata
34 Mike the Mad Biologist
35 Sustainablog
36 Thus Spake Zuska
37 Framing Science
38 Open Mind
39 EvolutionBlog
40 Aardvarchaeology

Ranking by Wikio.

If you haven’t checked them out, Wikio ranks science-related blogs by the number and weight of the links to the blog. Wikio’s latest monthly rankings have just been released. Over the past few months, Framing Science has ranked in the top 30 or so science-related blogs based on these metrics.

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