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Framing Science Inspires Launch of NYC Lecture Series

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Back in the spring, the Nisbet/Mooney tour visited the New York Academy of Sciences (Audio and Slides). In terms of turn out and post-discussion, it was one of the best events we have done. Now it appears that our ideas have inspired a new outreach effort coordinated by NYAS and area graduate students. From the NYAS Web site:

Early Career Investigators Create Science Communication Series

Science Alliance Program Director Lori Conlan called it “the proudest moment” in her tenure with the Academy’s professional development program for young scientists when a trio of members presented her with an unsolicited proposal for a new lecture series. Inspired by a recent Science Alliance event called “Framing Science” that featured science reporter Chris Mooney and communications expert Matthew Nisbet discussing how scientists could better explain their work to the public, three Science Alliance members conceived an idea to form a Science Communication Consortium. The goal: To educate scientists and non-scientists about the value of translating new technical knowledge.

Conlan says she is thrilled to see members taking ownership of Science Alliance. “These young scientists really care about their careers and moving forward with their own professional development, not just their lab development,” she says. Science Alliance members, who are postdocs, PhDs, and graduate students in the sciences, will learn through the series how to disseminate science to a general audience, interact with multiple facets of media (including written, spoken, and electronic outlets), and advocate for science in legislative initiatives and policy.

Science Alliance will also cosponsor a two-day event and career fair at Columbia University and NYU School of Medicine, November 2-3, called, “What Can You Be with a PhD? A Science and Technology Focused Career Convention.”

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