Roll International Co-Chair Lynda Resnick recalls the reason she went into advertising in the first place.
Question:rnWhat’s the best advice you ever received?
LyndarnResnick: Butrnone thing that I think is very important and it’s the reason that I got intornadvertising in the first place and that is if you’re in a meeting and you don’trnunderstand something, ask. Ifrnsomeone is talking to you and what they’re saying doesn’t make sense, ask themrnto explain it.
rnrnDoesn’trnmean you’re not smart. And ifrnyou’re in a meeting, I guarantee you, everybody else is thinking the same thingrnbut they’re afraid to ask. Butrnit’s the only way you learn. Andrnwhen I was first starting out, I didn’t know how to do advertising, someone hadrnto teach me and the reps from the publications. When I was a teenager, when I was, like, 17 years old,rnworking in a dress shop, taught me how to make an ad, set type, and do all ofrnthose things. And that’s how Irnlearned. And I still ask. I try to find the smartest people I canrnand ask them what they think. rn
Recordedrnon: March 17, 2009