Start a Business for Under $500

What’s the Latest Development?
Don’t have the time, money or youth to move to Silicon Valley and look for venture capital funding? You can still start your own business and do it without putting everything on the line. In fact, starting a business on the side is a good way to get your feet wet as an entrepreneur. Considering doing something simple that you already enjoy, like baking. Brooklyn blogger and cupcake expert Nichelle Stephens says that, if you’re not opening a storefront, $500 will get you going with basic cooking ware and cooling trays.
What’s the Big Idea?
Becoming a notary public is a good side job since the world still needs official documents and more businesses rely on on-call notaries. Most states require would-be notaries to take a course. If you’re a fitness buff or avid runner, you might be a good personal trainer. Step one: Share you weight loss story online. Step two: Inquire about a part-time position at a local gym to learn the ropes, then go independent. If you’re an organized person, thank your lucky stars. Most people aren’t. Find resources at the National Association for Professional Organizers.
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