Getting Charitable with Matthew Bishop

Economist editor Matthew Bishop has a knack for looking on the bright side: in this age of capitalism, inequality and multi-billionaires, Bishop focus on potential rather than gloom. His book, Philanthrocapitalism, describes how this age of rampant capitalism has started a charitable trend among the ultra rich. Bishop talked to Big Think about philanthrocapitalism, the dynamic between capitalist philanthropy and government aid, how non-profits saved Nike, and more.
He even got us in the mood to be charitable. We’re giving away a signed copy of Matthew Bishop’s book—learn how to win after the jump.
We will choose the commenter who provides what we think are the smartest and most eloquent thoughts on Bishop’s discussion of public and private aid to win a copy of Philanthrocapitalism signed by Bishop. Second place gets a look at the opposing view—a copy of Dambisa Moyo’s Dead Aid. We’ll accept comments both on the clip page on linked above and on our facebook page where the video link is posted.
The rest of Bishop’s chat is also sure to spur conversation. He discusses where Eastern powers will be in five years and whether or not they are pulling their weight in terms of charity, outlines a way that old-fashioned investigative journalism could survive, and makes the case for why a recession is a great time to be an entrepreneur.