Tech Trends
In “Not Born Yesterday,” author and cognitive scientist Hugo Mercier makes the case that misinformation is overrated — and other human foibles are underrated.
Comparing Elon Musk’s Mars rocket to NASA’s new ride.
The military is courting tech startups to help it win the AI arms race.
Smart glasses have flopped before. AI could finally make them mainstream.
Nestor Maslej, research manager at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), talks us through key findings in the 2024 AI Index Report.
TikTok and its allies won’t go down without a legal fight.
Should social media platforms have the right to decide what speech to allow online? Should the government?
A look back at the rise of solar power in the US and what’s next.
This may be the largest helium reservoir in U.S. history.
Astranis is on a mission to help everyone in the world get online.
Most counties in the U.S. have only one local newspaper, often one that publishes weekly instead of daily.
“Stargate” could be used to train the world’s most powerful AIs.
Making up false information is one of the biggest problems with AI, but there are no silver-bullet solutions.
Susannah Fox, former chief technology officer for the HHS, explains how technology has empowered us to help fill in the cracks of the healthcare system.
On the morning of April 20, 1961, all conditions were “go” for an attempt at free flight. A man was on standby with a fire extinguisher. Just in case.
Perrikaryal uses an EEG to translate her brain activity into beating bosses in “Elden Ring” and beyond.
Twin Health lets patients with diabetes see what’s happening inside their own body and can model each patient’s unique metabolism.
Police forces are choosing humans over algorithms to make some identifications.
A $30,000 electric vehicle with 400 miles of range that charges in under 10 minutes remains a pipe dream over the near future.
Frontier, the ORNL supercomputer, used machine learning to perform 9.95 quintillion calculations per second.
It has already been trialed in people and could give us a better way to analyze and stimulate the brain.
Big Think spoke with AI expert Nick Jennings about the future of regulating fast-evolving AI.
Analog could serve as “always-on” computing, while digital is turned on only when necessary.
Scientists will be able to make detailed “Claymation-like” movies of chemical reactions.
AI was key to making Moderna’s COVID mRNA vaccine. Its role in mRNA therapeutics will rapidly grow in the coming years.
Only nine weeks later, the Wright Brothers achieved manned flight. The pathologically cynical always will find a reason to complain.
From fearless quitting to redefined values, “Virtual Natives” are reinventing work culture.
AI-powered voice technology is poised to revolutionize the ways we do business.
We used to think, “That email isn’t going to write itself.” But now it can, thanks to AI. And there’s so much more, from coding to marketing.