Defamiliarization is a common tool in the arts. Here we learn how seeing things from a different angle can lead to billion-dollar success.
Your organization won’t become a “data democracy” organically — shared knowledge is key.
Every organization has a power block of dutiful but unappreciated talent. Here’s an effective plan for engagement.
Get rid of the notion that the best employees come from Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.
Huge shifts in the workforce demand real-world changes in management practices; “command-and-control” no longer cuts it.
Successful alpha leadership is more about caring and healing than dog-eat-dog supremacy.
Talent wants to be free — but a safe company culture puts “the maze in the mouse” and shackles progress.
Being a good leader requires emotional capital, which is one reason why many bosses are so bad at it.
Whether you’re a leader looking to ramp up team output or just trying to improve your skill set, hard work alone is not enough.
If you’ve looked for a job recently, you may have encountered the personality test. You may also have wondered if it was backed by scientific research.
The talent of management should be unleashed toward the management of talent. Many companies are doing the opposite.
Our brains are hardwired to find fault. The best managers don’t let this steer how they interact with their team.
We commonly stereotype psychopaths as criminals, but there are probably more in upper management.
Not all conflict is bad. Expert Priya Parker explains how “heat” can be harnessed for good.
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The Shirky Principle states that “institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.”
You might suppress your emotions when you walk through the door at work. But your colleagues can still feel them.
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When the going gets tough, nothing beats a wide network of tried-and-true connections.
Former IBM CEO Ginni Rometty reveals the secret to “good power.”
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What the hell is “re-engineering business value creation systems” anyway?
Are you a video gaming master? Put it on your résumé.
Economist Tyler Cowen explains why intelligence is overrated. Here’s what to look for instead.
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Negative feedback ignites the primal (“fight or flight”) and emotional (“do they hate me?”) parts of our brain first.
“The digital HQ – the digital infrastructure that supports productivity and collaboration – actually became more important than the physical HQ.”
Company culture is always evolving — sometimes for the worse.
You can’t control external threats, but you can manage how you prepare and respond to the risk.
Research shows self-ratings of personality traits like diligence are generally more accurate than ratings from others.
And what if both parties are skilled at mirroring each other? Will it produce a stalemate?
A recent study offers new insights into the so-called marriage wage premium.
New ideas inevitably face opposition. A new book called “The Human Element” argues that overcoming opposition requires understanding the concepts of “Fuel” and “Friction.”
With the right management training program, organizations can empower leaders with the skills they need to succeed — giving everyone on the team a leg up.