human body
Stem cells from a fetus can live within the mother for decades — and help her heal.
“Less is better” is not a catchy marketing slogan, but one doctor who didn’t shower for five years thinks there’s a lot of truth to it.
After turning up hundreds of genes with hard-to-predict effects, some scientists are now probing the grander developmental processes that shape face geometry.
Acclaimed psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, author of “The Body Keeps The Score,” discusses the widespread existence of trauma and how it settles in our bodies.
People with higher immune resilience live longer, resist diseases, and are more likely to survive diseases when they do develop.
It could prevent sun damage and help chemical burns heal faster.
In December 2022, a company called BioAge Labs published findings on a drug that worked to prevent muscular atrophy, or the loss of muscle strength and mass, in older people.
Antioxidant vitamins don’t stress us like plants do—and don’t have their beneficial effect.
Morning, afternoon, or night: When is the best time to exercise? Scientists have extensively studied this question. Here’s what they found.
A new hypothesis accuses the simple sugar of wrecking energy metabolism.
Scientists agree that eons ago, a bacterium took up residence inside another cell and became its powerhouse, the mitochondrion. But there are competing theories about the birth of other organelles such as the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum.
Survey data suggests that our bodily perceptions of love extend far beyond the heart.
“Burke’s the butcher, Hare’s the thief, and Knox the man who buys the beef.” Read the story of 19th-century Scotland’s corpse dealers.
A new study provides the first proof-of-principle that genetic material transferred from one species to another can increase both longevity and healthspan in the recipient animal.
The young and healthy were not just as likely to die as the old and frail, according to a new analysis.
Since the 1980s, engineered monoclonal antibodies have been knocking out invading germs. Sperm may be next.
Long thought a pipe dream, scientists have discovered a drug that mimics the effects of exercise.
The flavor is “simultaneously fascinating and… abusive.”
Inside the “out there” quest for a drug that would help doctors save lives before it’s too late.
Every astrobiologist wants to find an alien. But the public should be skeptical when the “aliens” look like tiny humans.
France’s notorious disregard for washing gradually changed as military authorities and public schools promoted a modern regime of cleanliness.
Chronic pain is often driven by brain processes that can be reprogrammed.
Want to be more intelligent? Here’s why you should hit the gym, according to neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki.
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If not treated, the disorder drastically increases one’s risk of death.
The stench of death is actually fairly pleasant.
“I think it has a real chance to reverse motor symptoms, essentially replacing a missing part.”
To put things in perspective, the cost of sequencing a single genome in 2012 was around $10,000.