“It’s only natural for us to get America back,” quipped Kim Kielsen, former prime minister of Greenland, in 2019.
With a flurry of threats to scientists, science funding, and health policy, the USA now faces a crisis reminiscent of Soviet-era Lysenkoism.
“The only requisite for nonfiction is that it’s true,” says Nathan Thrall, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book “A Day in the Life of Abed Salama.”
New telescopes, radio dishes, and gravitational wave detectors are needed for next-generation science. Will the USA lead the way?
With undersea cables, AI education, and more, the tech giant is helping create Africa’s “digital decade.”
The nation-state had a good run, but its usefulness may have come to an end.
In post-Soviet nations where ministers have a relatively high BMI, corruption tends to be high, too.
A new railway will switch the Baltic region’s train gauge from Soviet to standard European — a megaproject with political, economic, and military dimensions.
The nonprofit made a bold gamble on the limits of “fair use” — and federal courts have not backed their play.
Both nations made missteps, but China still has a chance to make up lost ground.
On November 25, U.N. members will meet in South Korea to cap off a series of meetings aiming to reduce global plastic pollution.
The cat-and-mouse game between China and the world’s semiconductor companies is already having enormous consequences.
In 1980, Willy Brandt drew a line across the map that still influences how we think about the world.
“We are not our grandparents. It’s time to start thinking differently,” journalist Annie Jacobsen told Big Think.
The electoral reform also known as instant-runoff voting promises bridge-building and broad appeal instead of culture war and gridlock.
Modern autocracies operate “not like a bloc but rather like an agglomeration of companies,” says journalist and historian Anne Applebaum.
The Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order would be just one quarter the size of Vatican City.
Australia’s AAPowerLink boasts three global superlatives: largest solar farm, largest battery, and longest power cable.
In today’s political climate, how can we come together and seek some common ground or understanding? What are the mechanics of doing that? Is there some script or set of […]
“We’re acting more like fans of a football team going to a game than a banker carefully choosing investments.”
Famed activist Bayard Rustin constantly faced the dilemma of coordinating collective pursuits among diverse groups of people.
In a world of rising cynicism, a celebration of our capacity to create, adapt, and thrive.
Absence makes the heart (and public opinion) grow fonder.
19 rooms. 1,636 square feet. 1,800 years of history.
Hypersonic aircraft can fly at least five times the speed of sound. They would make for terrifying weapons.
Saudi Arabia’s Jeddah Tower is poised to become the world’s tallest building. What’s behind the century-plus drive to build ever taller skyscrapers?
How (not) to end up in the ash heap of history.
Because of their large and unfriendly neighbor to the east, the Baltics would rather be Scandinavian.
A radical proposal reimagines Europe as a carbon-neutral continent where national boundaries are replaced by regions defined by renewable energy capabilities.
This may be the largest helium reservoir in U.S. history.