They have held our fascination ever since we first identified their remains.
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Capacitors, acid batteries, and other methods of storing electric charges all lose energy over time. These gravity-fed batteries won’t.
The combination of charge conjugation, parity, and time-reversal symmetry is known as CPT. And it must never be broken. Ever.
To be successful, leaders would be wise to remember that AI isn’t a replacement for people; it exists to enhance their capabilities.
We know of stellar mass and supermassive black holes, but intermediate mass ones have long proved elusive. Until now.
Forgetting and misremembering are the building blocks of creativity and imagination.
Contrary to popular research, people with more money are happier, but it’s their spending habits, not their account balances, that move the dial.
A recently identified stage of sleep common to narcoleptics is a fertile source of creativity.
At extremely close distances to their stars, even rocky planets can be completely disintegrated. We’ve just caught our first one in action.
College students once stood out from the pack on IQ tests. Today, they’re about average.
Predicted way back in the 1960s, the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 completed the Standard Model. Here’s why it remains fascinating.
Can ChatGPT help you power through writer’s block?
While Taoism can be paradoxical and abstract, it also offers daily life lessons.
So many of the conditions for a sale or IPO are outside your control — which is why preparation is everything.
Traveling back in time is a staple of science fiction movies. But according to Einstein, it’s a physical possibility that’s truly allowed.
Meet your new flying nightmare: Thapunngaka shawi.
Back in 1990, we hadn’t discovered a single planet outside of our Solar System. Here are 10 facts that would’ve surprised every astronomer.
Sigmund Freud developed the decidedly unscientific principles of psychoanalysis in a time when most psychologists were trying to join the ranks of chemists and medical doctors.
Reading classic books can inform you as much about the present as the past.
Does memory start to work only at a certain age?
From forgotten Hollywood movies to Frank Herbert’s “Dune,” science fiction illustrates some of our deepest fears about technology.
How heavy is the mask that you wear?
When cosmic inflation came to an end, the hot Big Bang ensued as a result. If our cosmic vacuum state decays, could it all happen again?
Having a “buff” skeleton prevents infirmity in old age.
Today, the F-word is enjoying a renaissance the likes of which it hasn’t seen since, well, the Renaissance.
Far from practicing witchcraft, the experimentation of medieval alchemists helped bring about the Scientific Revolution.
The Universe’s history, from cosmic inflation to the Big Bang to the present, is known. But whether it’s infinite or not is still a mystery.
To reap the benefits of AI technologies, businesses must keep humans in the driving seat.
The AI is helping Twitter users plot movies, design meal plans, and more.
Temperatures in the Sun’s core exceed 10 million degrees Celsius. But how on Earth did we actually come to know that?