We must get happiness right — even when the world around us gets it wrong.
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How many scientists does it take to ruin a good conspiracy?
Uploading your mind is not a pathway to immortality. Instead, it will create a possibly hostile digital doppelgänger.
X marks the spot. The Dutch town of Ommeren has been swamped by detectorists armed with shovels looking for $20-million treasure.
Of the world’s 300 honey varieties, none is stranger and more dangerous than mad honey.
Expressing gratitude encourages others to continue being generous, promoting a cycle of goodness.
“The amount of interest is enormous,” says anesthesiologist Boris Heifets. “People are dropping in and coming out of the woodwork, trying to understand how to do this.”
NASA’s minivan-sized drone is scheduled to search for signs of life on Titan in 2034.
The combined intellectual heft of multiple “big thinkers” delivered arguably the most successful scientific theory in history.
“Dune: Part One” screenwriter Eric Roth spoke with Big Think about the challenges of bringing Frank Herbert’s sci-fi epic to the big screen.
When it comes to predicting the energy of empty space, the two leading theories disagree by a factor of 100 googol quintillion.
The successful tactics of big-name leaders — including Bob Iger, Mary Barra, and Satya Nadella — reveal key approaches to innovation.
Late bloomers often find their moment of transformation when life throws them a curveball.
The cycles of life all rely on the dynamism of the Earth’s crust.
What are they and, more importantly, how do you get rid of them?
When other treatments fail, this radical surgery could help.
Serving as the inspiration for the modern horror classic “The Blair Witch Project,” what does our fascination with this unsolvable mystery tell us about our modern psyche?
It’s deceptively tricky to distinguish living systems from non-living systems. Physics may be key to solving the problem.
The talent of management should be unleashed toward the management of talent. Many companies are doing the opposite.
Robinson v. California helped to established a rehabilitative ideal: addiction should be dealt with as a therapeutic matter.
AI was key to making Moderna’s COVID mRNA vaccine. Its role in mRNA therapeutics will rapidly grow in the coming years.
To make a ton of information stick in your mind, you have to make it chunky.
AI-powered voice technology is poised to revolutionize the ways we do business.
Seven years ago, an outburst in a distant galaxy brightened and faded away. Afterward, a new supermassive black hole jet emerged, but how?
Due to chaos, it was long thought that planets couldn’t stably orbit systems containing three stars. GW Orionis is the first counterexample.
From ancient Greek cosmology to today’s mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, explore the relentless quest to understand the Universe’s invisible forces.
It is generally ineffective, occasionally poisonous, and driving numerous species to the brink of extinction.
Proponents of transhumanism make big promises, such as a future in which we upload our minds into a supercomputer. But there is a fatal flaw in this argument: reductionism.