Dennis Klatt developed trailblazing text-to-speech systems before losing his own voice to cancer.
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Sixty years later, will anybody have heard of COVID?
The fellowship’s journey through Middle-earth mirrors the modernization of the English countryside.
The global extent of the Revolutionary War surprises many Americans today — but it was crucial to independence.
Memories aren’t mental recordings, but pliable information we can use to better manage the present and conjure future possibilities.
Lots of people have seen lots of bizarre events and phenomena that defy our conventional experience. But is there a scientific explanation?
George Orwell got it right: “Never use a long word where a short one will do.”
Music therapy might boost memory, but the benefits are small. Just in case, tell your grandparents to listen to their favorite 1960s tunes.
One of the fundamental constants of nature, the fine-structure constant, determines so much about our Universe. Here’s why it matters.
The multifaceted nature of company culture is what makes it so challenging — this guide will help you make sense of the complexity.
A “stakehodler” has both a voice and a vote, an economic interest in how each network stewards important global resources.
How one man’s divine dream became a poultry-shaped reality.
These 5 research-backed tips can turn bad habits into financial gain.
If you’re trying to break a bad habit or start a good one, psychologists have some tips.
Get the most out of your coffee.
To see a true cross-section of American society, head to Applebee’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, IHOP, Chili’s, and Olive Garden.
Giant particle accelerators aren’t a waste of money. They are essential for understanding the Universe.
The secret may lie in an old idiom: “Sleep on it.”
Should you blast the A/C even when you’re not at home?
The FDA approved a single-dose, long-acting injection to protect babies and toddlers from RSV over the fall and winter.
These theoretical megastructures represent one way an advanced civilization might harvest energy from stars.
The Universe isn’t as “clumpy” as we think it should be.
There are many things that separate science from ideology, politics, philosophy, or religion. Follow these 10 commandments to get it right.
Intellectual humility demands that we examine our motivations for holding certain beliefs.
In the 18th century, David Hume argued that we are only motivated to do good when our passions direct us to do so. Was he right?
An excerpt from “Memory,” a primer on human memory, its workings, feats, and flaws, by two leading psychological researchers.
From fearless quitting to redefined values, “Virtual Natives” are reinventing work culture.