What are supermassive black holes, how common are they, and how do they grow up throughout cosmic history? Listen and find out!
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If you gave me $400 and I gave you $3.15, would you consider yourself wealthier? That’s a financial analogy for the supposed fusion power “breakthrough.”
As we pursue the leadership difference we seek, we attract fuel and generate heat. The trick is to avoid burnout.
It’s the clitoris, stupid!
Too many leaders create an imbalance between thinking and doing — but a clear vision can be sharpened through deep reflection.
On the morning of April 20, 1961, all conditions were “go” for an attempt at free flight. A man was on standby with a fire extinguisher. Just in case.
Benjamin Oakes — CEO of buzz-worthy biotech company Scribe Therapeutics — joins Big Think for a chat about innovation, human endeavor, and more.
We will believe in AGI when it calls on Facetime.
Whether you’re a leader looking to ramp up team output or just trying to improve your skill set, hard work alone is not enough.
Sam Smith — founder and former CEO of finnCap Group — argues that a culture of empathy will help superscale any business.
German researchers have just solved the mystery of how these substances work.
In a major advance, scientists have found a new and groundbreaking way to force electrons to flow only in one direction in a superconductor.
Glimpse into the ancient Maya empire through the writing of its own inhabitants.
About 2.5% of women and 2.2% of men in the U.S. meet the criteria for body dysmorphic disorder.
From a hot, dense, uniform state in its earliest moments, our entire known Universe arose. These unavoidable steps made it all possible.
When we view hard work as a sign of low aptitude, it harms our ability to learn and grow.
In the beginning, genes weren’t needed.
Meet the ‘brain coach’ who has found a way to flip negative thoughts and actions and use them for good We’re all assigned a label at some point in our […]
6 min
To Fred Hoyle, the Big Bang was nothing more than a creationist myth. 75 years later, it’s cemented as the beginning of our Universe.
Man seeking meaningful relationship at the intersection of on-demand empathy and Rule 34.
“Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?”
Meta and NYU’s robot can navigate and clean rooms it’s never seen before.
By supplementing the “principle of marginal gains” with these practical steps, you’ll be well equipped for the journey towards excellence.
Decades ago, a disaster left three million acres of land uninhabitable and killed between 85,600 and 240,000 people. Chernobyl? No. Banqiao dam in China.
The Persian Constitutional Revolution made unlikely allies and enemies of missionaries, ayatollahs, the shah, and his Russian ambassadors. Its legacy shaped modern-day Iran.
Mary Toft staged an elaborate hoax, but the pain was real.
Acclaimed writer Mauro Javier Cárdenas used AI in his latest work to surprising effect.
An army of replicators belonging to national laboratories, research universities, and amateur garages is rushing to replicate ambient superconductivity in LK-99.
On Earth, carbon can form millions of compounds, while silicon is largely stuck inside rocks. But elsewhere, silicon could form the basis of life.
We don’t know what causes Miyake events, but these great surges of energy can help us understand the past — while posing a threat to our future.