To put things in perspective, the cost of sequencing a single genome in 2012 was around $10,000.
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You searched for: Systems
Earth, the only rocky planet with a large, massive satellite, is greatly affected by the Moon. Destroying it would cause 7 major changes.
To Einstein, nature had to be rational. But quantum physics showed us that there was not always a way to make it so.
The world is aging, and with age comes vision decline. New research may have found how to improve eyesight in an accessible way.
Matt Strassler’s journey into fundamental physics culminates in a brilliant explanation of the Higgs field. Enjoy this exclusive interview.
Twin Health lets patients with diabetes see what’s happening inside their own body and can model each patient’s unique metabolism.
There are three kinds of memory that all work together to shape your reality. Neuroscientist André Fenton explains.
6 min
Happiness is not a five-star holiday. It’s often the result of struggle — and asking for help, as author Stephanie Harrison recently told Big Think.
The crisis of the Anthropocene challenges our traditional narratives and myths about humanity’s place in the world. Citizen science can help.
A Cambridge Ph.D. student has solved a grammatical problem that has befuddled Sanskrit scholars since the 5th century BC.
And, more importantly, what’s being done to get them online?
Architect and brand innovator Kevin Ervin Kelley sounds the alarm for workplace culture — and argues for a “big bang” collision of forms and shapes.
One hypothesis: “gossip traps.”
Could a theory from the science of perception help crack the mysteries of psychosis?
When all your teammates fall for “the emperor’s new clothes,” the results can be disastrous — here’s how to bust the groupthink.
Holograms preserve all of an object’s 3D information, but on a 2D surface. Could the holographic Universe idea lead us to higher dimensions?
When stuffed and staring down the last bite, you might hear your mother’s voice in your mind.
In our common experience, you can’t get something for nothing. In the quantum realm, something really can emerge from nothing.
These nematodes complicate how we understand evolutionary lineages.
From politics to culture, we blame “tribalism” for humanity’s problems. This explanation is entirely wrong.
From astrobiology to geology, a Moon base could serve as a laboratory unlike anything on Earth.
Our relationship with chatbots is undergoing a sea change — here’s how the transformation will most affect you and your team.
The American author said he attempted to bring scientific thinking to literary criticism, but received “very little gratitude for this.”
We take for granted that time is real. But what if it’s only an illusion, and a relative illusion at that? Does time even exist?
Studying the display of personal wealth across time can help us better understand the history of socioeconomic inequality.
It’s not about particle-antiparticle pairs falling into or escaping from a black hole. A deeper explanation alters our view of reality.
“Human connection is as threatened by unhealthy peace as it is by unhealthy conflict.” —Priya Parker
Telegrams were the “Twitter of the 1850s and 1860s” — and they elicited the exact same overblown fears as Twitter does today.
In revolutionary Russia, a group of forward-thinking philosophers offered an alternative to both futurism and communism.
At four million solar masses, the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole is quite small for a galaxy its size. Did we lose the original?