In New Zealand, ambitious Kiwis want to launch a lawn mowing business; in South Africa, it’s cooking gas refills. Start-up dreams vary widely.
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For decades people have arranged to freeze their bodies after death, dreaming of resurrection by advanced future medicine. Many met a fate far grislier than death.
As bad as this sounds, a new essay suggests that we live in a surprisingly egalitarian age.
Watch The Daily Show comedian Jordan Klepper and elite improviser Bob Kulhan live.
Over 50 years since humans last walked on the Moon, astronaut footprints and rover tracks are still visible. But they won’t last forever.
Known as primordial black holes, they could thoroughly change our Universe’s history. But the evidence is strongly against them.
Some animals were even assigned their own lawyers.
And what if both parties are skilled at mirroring each other? Will it produce a stalemate?
Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries in all the Universe. Is there some way to avoid “having to live with it?”
Neutrons can be stable when bound into an atomic nucleus, but free neutrons decay away in mere minutes. So how are neutron stars stable?
The language you speak plays an important role in how you evaluate truth.
Hybrid working, robot fast food workers, and the rapid acceleration of NFTs are just the beginning.
This technological feat changes our cosmic history.
If everyone just showed up to their appointments, $150 billion of waste could be averted.
Three fundamental forces matter inside an atom, but gravity is mind-bogglingly weak on those scales. Could extra dimensions explain why?
As particles travel through the Universe, there’s a speed limit to how fast they’re allowed to go. No, not the speed of light: below it.
Seneca thought the use of ice was a “true fever of the most malignant kind.”
A study says nature’s candy can be a valuable supplement to sunblock.
Unlike the first Roaring Twenties, these won’t end with a Great Depression.
Most exoplanets have been found around single stars via the transit method. But binary star systems might contain even more of them.
Was there an intelligent, technologically advanced species long before humans existed? Could there have been a dinosaur civilization?
The ability to differentiate your emotions might make you less likely to suffer from depression, alcoholism, and anger issues.
Today, we could use Big Data to radically reform democracy. Tomorrow, we could build nanofabricators and usher in an era of abundance. Is society ready?
In the philosophy of Star Wars, the Sith are evil because they surrender to passion. But is a life of total rationality a “good” life?
Just a small gesture or a thoughtful comment can often alter a situation, or people’s perceptions of it, in ways that relieve tensions and make them feel appreciated and included.
Quick! There’s a runaway train on the tracks. Some dastardly evildoer has knocked the driver out cold and tied five people to the tracks ahead. The train is barreling down […]
Late-night shows, developed during the “golden age” of TV, are no longer as relevant in the age of streaming services and Donald Trump.
New ideas inevitably face opposition. A new book called “The Human Element” argues that overcoming opposition requires understanding the concepts of “Fuel” and “Friction.”