Seneca thought the use of ice was a “true fever of the most malignant kind.”
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Over 50 years since humans last walked on the Moon, astronaut footprints and rover tracks are still visible. But they won’t last forever.
Jean Paul Sartre summed up the existentialist idea of “bad faith” through a waiter who acted a bit too much like a waiter.
We have a new range of skills coming to Big Think+ this week, including communication, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.
The Netflix show about a Birmingham crime family and their personal demons concluded earlier this month.
We forget how unnatural a lot of formal education is. “Learning how to learn” requires bridging the gap between the abstract and the natural.
Just a small gesture or a thoughtful comment can often alter a situation, or people’s perceptions of it, in ways that relieve tensions and make them feel appreciated and included.
Sir Ken Robinson died on August 21 of cancer at the age of 70.
Starling flocks, schools of fish, and clouds of insects all agree.
Neutrons can be stable when bound into an atomic nucleus, but free neutrons decay away in mere minutes. So how are neutron stars stable?
In all of science, no figures have changed the world more than Einstein and Newton. Will anyone ever be as revolutionary again?
Late-night shows, developed during the “golden age” of TV, are no longer as relevant in the age of streaming services and Donald Trump.
Three fundamental forces matter inside an atom, but gravity is mind-bogglingly weak on those scales. Could extra dimensions explain why?
For some people, there is only one thing to live for. They commit their entire being to that thing. They are dangerous.
About 150 million years ago, a long-necked sauropod came down with a respiratory infection. The rest is history…or is it?
Why saying, “I don’t know,” might be the best thing you can do.
If it wasn’t a singularity, how small could it have been? Today, when you look out in any direction as far as the laws of physics allow us to see, the […]
It’s “the biggest blow to the war on drugs to date,” said Kassandra Frederique, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance.
According to Tolkien, fantasy requires a deep imagination known as “sub-creation.” And the genre reflects a fundamental truth of being human.
Nuclear fusion has long been seen as the future of energy. As the NIF now passes the breakeven point, how close are we to our ultimate goal?
Most male mammals have little or nothing to do with their kids. Why is our own species different?
The problems that Americans face are often too complex for fact-checking alone.
Discussions of human evolution are usually backward looking, as if the greatest triumphs and challenges were in the distant past.
WhiteSmoke Grammar Checker keeps your spelling and grammar issues at bay while also working as a translator.
The Big Bang was hot, dense, uniform, and filled with matter and energy. Before that? There was nothing. Here’s how that’s possible.
If light can’t be bent by electric or magnetic fields (and it can’t), then how do the Zeeman and Stark effects split atomic energy levels?
“It’s kind of like a Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires,” Musk said.
Where did the “seed” magnetic field come from in the first place?
Become a project management master with these 12 in-depth courses.