Prasad Kaipa
CEO coach and senior fellow at the Indian School of Business
Prasad Kaipa is coauthor, with Navi Radjou of the upcoming book From Smart to Wise: Acting and Leading with Wisdom (Jossey-Bass, April 2013). Kaipa is a CEO coach andadvisor and senior fellow at the Indian School of Business. Radjou is an independent strategy consultant. Based in Silicon Valley, he writes a popular blog for, speaks and consults internationally, has been featured prominently in the national business media, and is an esteemed thought leaders in the field of leadership development and innovation. Learn more at
Having superpowers, without the enlightened self-interest in making your company extraordinary, is the fast track to self-destruction.
Imagine a group of senior vice presidents sitting around a massive conference table in their company’s board room. The CEO suddenly resigned and it’s up to this huge and now […]