Jen K
I jumped into the deep end of life at a very early age and although I believe that everyone is, not only meaningful, but of equal value in the big picture... I have found that I am profoundly different in my thinking than most of the people I interact with. I think too much, always have. I think too deep, always will. My blood boils with passion, creativity and optimism for all of life. Happiness wakes with me every day even though stress, fear & uncertainty tag along for the ride. No matter what problems I have, countless others the world over live far worse than I... why not smile?! Why not share a laugh?! Why not shine a little brighter and radiate more positive energy within my small corner of the world?! I am inspired and impacted by every life I come across. I am in love with people of all messes and joys, of all tears and smiles, of all riches and poor. I'm a penniless fool who struggles in the discomfort of reality, yet I cannot shake the happiness underneath the stress because I know how blessed I truly am. I am an odd little child of the universe who wishes to impact positive change in the world.
I have a dream (PPW)