Emil Michael
Emil Michael is an investor and strategic advisor to many of the world’s most important high-growth companies. He is currently serving as Chairman and CEO of the blank check company DPCM Capital. From 2013-2017 Emil was Chief Business Officer at Uber, where he led the company through a period of exponential growth.
Across his many tech leadership roles, Emil has been instrumental in raising over $25 billion in capital, and the creation of $100 billion in market value for technology businesses. Today, Emil is focused on working with entrepreneurs and companies that have the potential for hypergrowth. He advises on fundraising, mergers and acquisitions, corporate strategy and culture, building executive teams, and global expansion.
What worked before won’t necessarily work this time — and the best leaders will adapt.
“You’re not punished for failing, you’re punished for not trying.” Former Uber exec Emil Michael on how to truly achieve success.
9 min