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Cal Newport

Cal Newport is an MIT-trained computer science professor at Georgetown University who also writes about the intersections of technology, work, and the quest to find depth in an increasingly distracted world.

Cal is the author of eight books, including, most recently, Slow Productivity, A World Without Email, Digital Minimalism, and Deep Work. His titles have cumulatively sold well over 2,000,000 copies, have been published in more than 40 languages, and include multiple New York Times bestsellers. In addition to his books, Newport is a contributing writer for the New Yorker and is the host of the Deep Questions podcast.

Cal is currently the Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University. Before arriving at Georgetown, he earned his PhD from MIT. Cal’s academic research focuses on the theory of distributed systems, with a particular interest in what can and cannot be solved in challenging settings. More recently, he’s also become involved in the emerging discipline of digital ethics. In his academic career to date, Cal has published over 65 peer-reviewed articles that have been cited over 4,500 times.