We are not yet at the point where quantum communications can be deployed to secure the internet, but we might not be far off.
If you believe that you’re perfect, then somebody else must be responsible for your failures.
It’s literally the one and only trick that separates top-notch physicists from crackpots, dropouts, and those who can’t cut the mustard.
Research has found that words are more accurately heard when accompanied by hand gestures.
Unfortunately, the Lunar Ark project is an idea more at home in science fiction than science fact.
We are tearing ourselves apart over gender issues, with the result that the problems of boys and men are left untreated.
1.9 billion years ago, a star’s explosive death created a black hole. Its light just arrived at Earth. But did it set a cosmic record?
Biotechnology can convert enemy viruses into anti-cancer mercenaries.
After 70 years, “The Power of Positive Thinking” remains incredibly popular, even though its critics find the book to be mostly fluff.
Most patients with cancer die from metastasis. Stopping it would be a major advance in cancer therapy.
Humanity is poised to pass the 8 billion milestone mid-November, but population growth is actually slowing down.
Cooperation was the first technology.
The world has improved in mind-blowing ways.
The next time you see your dog sniffing the pavement or another dog’s junk, you should let them. Here’s why.
8 min
Holograms preserve all of an object’s 3D information, but on a 2D surface. Could the holographic Universe idea lead us to higher dimensions?
What if your best friend was an informant?
Which one is the funniest?
An increase in genetic regulatory elements explains how modern humans evolved bigger brains than other hominins.
Before we formed stars, atoms, elements, or even got rid of our antimatter, the Big Bang made neutrinos. And we finally found them.
Living is about staying busy.
You don’t need to ride into the danger zone to take advantage of TOPGUN’s life and career lessons.
NASA is creating a planet habitability index, and Earth may not be at the top. With our current data, ranking habitability is guesswork.
When the great American tradition of the road trip meets the great Jewish tradition of the deli, we get the Great American Deli Schlep.
Tracing the origin and development of jaws — and other anatomical features that humans share — sheds some light on how we came to be.
The same brain differences that contribute to left-handedness also contribute to psychotic disorders. But there’s a bright side.
Even after a decade of hormone therapy, trans women are stronger and faster than cis women.