Those white, marble statues you see in museums all over the world were originally painted with bright colors.
The strange case of cultured ultra-thief Stéphane Breitwieser — who claims “art is my drug” — has divided opinion. Is it Stendhal syndrome?
The richness and variety of America’s food landscape, in a buffet of maps.
Forensic accountant Kelly Richmond Pope explains how fraud runs rampant — even when businesses don’t intend it.
8 min
Back in the 1930s, Fritz Zwicky postulated the existence of dark matter. No one took it seriously until Vera Rubin’s work: 40 years later.
There were many similarities, but also some profound differences.
When a whoopsie-daisy just won’t cut it.
Our state of extreme social interconnectedness has rapidly accelerated the rollercoaster pace at which societal confidence may collapse.
Can two planets stably share the same orbit? Conventional wisdom says no, but a look at Saturn’s moons might tell a different story.
Mounted on horses and armed with unique, powerful bows, the archers of Genghis Khan inspired terror wherever they rode.
“I thought strangers knew who I was and were whispering about me as I walked by.”
We’re separating the facts about EVs from the fiction.
All stars, eventually, run out of fuel and die. Given all the stars we can see and the vast distance to them, are any of them already dead?
The hunt for the elusive particles continues.
The idea is to study the thing itself — be it a work of literature, death, family, a car, a vaccine, or the hospital — without preconceived notions, trendy easy answers, or dogma imposed on it.
Stoicism is popular today but often misunderstood and misapplied. In fact, a naive interpretation of Stoicism is damaging to your well-being.
The debate goes back at least 400 years.
AI was the most divisive topic in a recent predictions tournament.
A classical equivalent to Chanel No. 5.
Crypto is a lot of things, but it isn’t a currency. “Shark Tank” investor Kevin O’Leary, a.k.a. “Mr. Wonderful,” breaks down what it would take to get there.
7 min
Over 50 years since humans last walked on the Moon, astronaut footprints and rover tracks are still visible. But they won’t last forever.
The talent of management should be unleashed toward the management of talent. Many companies are doing the opposite.
We may be the last generation born not knowing if we are alone in the Universe.
Modern memory athletes use this ancient technique to memorize thousands of digits of pi.
Today, our observable Universe extends for 46 billion light-years in all directions. But early on in our history, things were much smaller.
The carnival spirit was in full swing when the priests got wasted and made indecent gestures while dressed like pimps.
The concept of the warp drive is currently at odds with everything we know to be true about physics.
Two-time debate world champion Bo Seo gives 3 tips for constructing the perfect argument.
Scientists can make substantial progress without fully understanding exactly what they’re doing.