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Guest Thinkers

New feature: What would you like to see me write about?

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I added a Skribit widget to Dangerously Irrelevant yesterday that allows me to take input from blog visitors about what they’d like to see. Here’s what it looks like on the blog (widget is on left-hand side):

Here’s what it looks like on the back end (click on image to see larger version):

Will this be of use to our community? I guess it depends on how much visitors use the widget. I think it has potential but only time will tell!

Given that my primary blog themes are technology, leadership, and school reform, what would you like to see me write about?

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A weekly newsletter featuring the biggest ideas from the smartest people

We asked our experts where they see the biggest blockers right now for more progress. Essentially, from their various areas of focus, what did they see as the largest impediments to driving progress forward around the world and how they would prioritize the necessary interventions? The answers were appropriately varied from the philosophical to the political to the technological.

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