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Men (and a woman) overboard in Yemen

Waq al-waq has decided, in keeping with protests in Yemen, to keep a running tally of people resigning from the ruling GPC.  It very much looks like people are abandoning ship.

This list only represent those who resigned in protest or to join the protesters, not those who were fired or forced out.

I’m also sure I have missed some people, so feel free to make amendments/corrections in the comment sectioin.


Members of Parliament

Abd al-Karim al-Salami

Abd al-Aziz al-Jubari

Abdu Muhammad Bashr

Abd al-Salam Salih Hishwal

Abd al-Karim Jadban

Khalid Majud al-Sa‘adi

Ahmad al-Azani

Abd al-Rahman Ali al-Ashabi

Abd al-Bari Daghish

Khalid Yahya Mu‘sar

Husayn al-Ahmar

Hashid al-Ahmar

Ali Ahmad al-‘Imrani


Abd al-Jalil Hamud Abu Ghanim (former Governor of Ibb and former Commander in Armed Forces)

Nabil Muhammad Ali al-Khamari (prominent businessman)

Sam bin Yahya al-Ahmar (agent in the Ministry of Culture)

Muhammad Abd al-lahi al-Qadi – General Council of GPC

Abu Fadil al-Sa‘adhi – Deputy Agent in Minister of Local Administration

Muhammad bin Hasan al-Sharif – Director General of Hudaydah Airport, member of GPC

Shaykh Salih Muhammad al-Khadhiq – tribal shaykh

Kafah al-Ka‘abi– Deputy Director for student affairs at Hudaydah University

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