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Guest Thinkers

4 Guys Talking – Episode 3

This is a long overdue post that Episode 3 of 4 Guys Talking, the new ‘talk radio’ podcast series from CASTLE, is now available. As usual, our conversation ranged a bit but our focus was on reinventing schools. Justin Bathon said that we may have been a little negative. You’ll have to listen to see if you concur.

FYI, you’ll see that we had some hosting glitches at the beginning. If you start at 5:45 into the podcast, you’ll skip all of our confusion!

You can download the podcast or listen to a Web-streamed version here:

  • You also can subscribe to the 4 Guys Talking feed using iTunes or a RSS reader.

    Thanks to those of you who joined us live, either by calling in or listening over the Web. Future dates/times are as follows (all times Central):

    • April 20, 2pm to 3pm
    • May 11, 9am to 10am
    • May 26, 1pm to 2pm
    • My hopes to rework CASTLE Conversations, the old CASTLE podcast channel (which will include all previous and podcasts such as 4 Guys Talking), are on hold until the end of my semester. I’ll post about it when it’s ready.

      Happy listening!

      Yesterday was Episode 2 of 4 Guys Talking, the new ‘talk radio’ podcast series from CASTLE. Like last time, our conversation ranged widely. Among other things, we discussed whether or […]
      Thursday was the inaugural episode of 4 Guys Talking, a new podcast series from CASTLE. The podcast consists of me, Jon Becker, David Quinn, and Jayson Richardson talking about a variety […]

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