The Biggest Limitation on Human Thought: Certainty

I think that human beings are most limited in their tendency to pursue certainty and to think that answers are somehow absolute or even beneficial. The degree to which we can go about the process of living as humans in increasingly interesting ways, in increasingly productive ways, is one in which we need to make our society operate, but once we get things working this can enslave us at a certain level. This can entrap us.
This can make us work according to other peoples’ terms and they can put us on the track of trying to improve them in terms of finding better and better answers at the level of making things work more and more efficiently.
What we need is to step outside of that. We need to instead think about what those mechanisms are, what those technologies are, in which we can pursue questions that are bigger than those technologies, bigger than those routines, and therefore, lead to a more fulfilling life in which other opportunities for thinking and other opportunities for engaging our world come about every day.