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Book Think Miscellany: Reader Feedback, Holden, Jane Eyre

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Dear Readers,

For the weekend, a few miscellaneous notes:

  • If there’s ever a book you’d like to see covered on Book Think, please feel free to drop me a note in the comments. Suggestions regarding “classic” works (whatever you take that to mean) or overlooked older books are especially welcome. I’d love to incorporate more reader picks into the discussion.
  • If you’ve enjoyed following Book Think over the past eight months, please consider bookmarking it and/or adding it to your blogroll (if you have a blog or website of your own). I truly appreciate the support.
  • On a related note, one of my 2011 posts (“Will Neuroscience Kill the Novel?“) is currently in competition for 3 Quarks Daily’s Arts & Literature Prize, an award that honors excellence in arts and literary blogging. If you liked the post and are inspired to go the extra mile, head over and vote in their reader poll before March 6.
  • Flavorwire was kind enough to pick up on my recent Holden Caulfield piece, from which they spun off a discussion of other controversial literary characters. You can find their article here.
  • In case anyone is curious, I have not yet fulfilled my New Year’s resolution of reading Jane Eyre. I haven’t forgotten about it, though, and any day now I’ll be curling up behind my red velvet curtains to get started. In the meantime, here’s an absurdly charming Jane-themed blog I stumbled across.
  • Regular posts will resume next week. Thanks, all.

    [Image via Plushy Jane Eyre.]

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