In the 1980s, some wardens started painting their cells with a shade of pink dubbed “Baker-Miller Pink.”
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Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Swiss Enlightenment philosopher who praised a simple life and inspired the worst of the French Revolution.
That Nietzsche quote might not mean what you think it does.
It’s estimated that one-in-three women and one-in-five men have an episode of major depression by the age of 65.
Music and sounds only seem to reduce pain in mice when played at a specific volume.
Using data collected from ancient civilizations across the world, researchers identified the most significant factors in human development. War came out on top.
It’s common knowledge that syncing your circadian rhythm to a natural light-dark cycle could improve your health and well-being.
More than 150 companies are developing flying cars. Here’s why they’re aren’t yet off the ground and darting across city skies.
the human brain remains highly responsive to sound during sleep, but it does not receive feedback from higher order areas — sort of like an orchestra with “the conductor missing.”
Ideas often taken for granted in the United States and Europe about what it means to be a person are, quite simply, not shared with other cultures.
The world is aging, and with age comes vision decline. New research may have found how to improve eyesight in an accessible way.
Is there such a thing as a heroic personality type?
More humans are being born with a third arm artery, an example of microevolution happening right before our eyes.
Even though the leftover glow from the Big Bang creates a bath of radiation at only 2.725 K, some places in the Universe get even colder.
The serotonin theory of depression started to be widely promoted in the 1990s, coinciding with a push to prescribe more SSRIs.
There are dozens of instructional design models, but most learning designers rely on a select few. Here are four of the most common.
From Amazon to the US Army, everybody wants one (or 150).
We live in a four-dimensional Universe, where matter and energy curve the fabric of spacetime. But time sure is different from space!
The costs of such an endeavor would be extremely high, while the potential payoffs would be uncertain.
NicoBoard is an app that helps parents make sense of a frightening time.
There’s a speed limit to the Universe: the speed of light in a vacuum. Want to beat the speed of light? Try going through a medium!
It’s not a huge leap to imagine we could target the biological processes that mediate our behaviours.
Deliveries of the $250k Lightyear 0 will start in November 2022.
Even at its faintest, Venus always outshines every other star and planet that’s visible from Earth, and then some!
Cement production currently accounts for 8% of global carbon emissions.
More than 20% Americans live in a state with access to a medically assisted death.
Take a peek at the pre-release images used to calibrate and commission JWST’s coldest instrument, now ready for full science operations.
A team of scientists hopes deep-earth lithium could sustain America’s vast demand for batteries. But extracting it won’t be easy.
The length of a day oscillates slightly every six years. This was a surprising discovery made last decade. We might now know why.
Livestock now outweighs wild mammals and birds ten-fold.