Neuroscientist Christof Koch proposes that consciousness is to be found in complex systems all around us. Therefore a dog, or a smaller animal like an earthworm, or even the Internet, all possess consciousness.
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You need to make a decision about how much thought and anxiety you’re going to invest in an attempt to prolong your life, which may be thwarted by the normal contingencies of human history.
This week we mark the loss half a century ago of President John F. Kennedy. For that generation, Kennedy’s death was the “where were you” moment. For our generation, the […]
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
-Abraham Lincoln
What they’re able to identify by datafing text is that references to the one painter Marc Chagall, in the German language, went dark between 1933 and 1945. He was Jewish. The world leaves a trace. And the trace is data.
If you filled out a form today, you were probably asked your “gender.” I’m always tempted to answer “mannish,” or “girlie.” This isn’t what the form wants to know. Frequently […]
Lasting power is accorded to only a handful of presidents, especially after their death. There is no doubt that John Kennedy is one of the few. How did it happen?
So as semiconductor manufacturing has moved offshore, the number of people in this country who actually know how to operate those tools, who have the tacit knowledge has declined as well.
Raghava KK: When I have children I’m going to promise to bias them with as many perspectives as possible as opposed to just biasing them with my little understanding of the world.
Joel Primack: We’re about to cross a threshold “and have a complete understanding of the origin and the evolution of the universe.”
Hal Gregersen: Four-year-olds everywhere in the world are successful innovators. They ask lots of questions. They observe like anthropologists. And that means everyone – you and I – we have more creative capacity than we think.
I’ve just gotten around to reading closely Marilynne Robinson’s most recent collection of essays—When I Was a Child I Read Books. Robinson, maybe our best novelist, is a challenging writer. […]
China is a manufacturing powerhouse. However, the middle kingdom has a new manufacturing challenge – can it produce enough children to change a demographic destiny that may threaten its future […]
Chip Wilson is the yoga world’s Rob Ford. While the Lululemon founder has not been caught smoking crack, it seems that whatever comes out of his mouth sends him further […]
For the first time in world history, more than half the world will be in the middle class. There will be lots of discretionary income for people to buy entertainment that stimulates the brain.
In order to innovate and solve the grand challenges facing the world, according to the entrepreneur Jack Hidary, we need to do more than just simply produce more scientists.
The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) orbiter launched yesterday, bringing with it a DVD containing over 1,100 hiakus.
Mothers-in-law are the cause of sustained stress for more than 60 percent of married women.
Learning facts and figures are going to be best done by technology feeding them to you the way you want to hear them, when you want to hear them.
Alva Noë: I’m very optimistic that we can make breakthroughs precisely by trying to take steps in the direction of a more integrated, contextualized neuroscience of consciousness.
Ruchir Sharma: Always listen to what the locals have to say about the economy as opposed to global investors.
This telephoto view from Kenya, captured on the morning of November 14, shows that Comet ISON has substantially increased in activity, surging to naked-eye visibility for dark sites and sprouting a more complex tail.
“That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.”
-Doris Lessing, 1919 – 2013
When we fail to exercise self-control, this may not be a “failure” as we traditionally think of it. In fact, it may be “a reasoned response to the uncertainty of time.
Jascha Kaykas-Wolff is the CMO of Mindjet, and is an exceptional marketing leader. Last week, Jascha posted a short slide deck that covers how he builds marketing organizations. I worked […]
The Leonid meteor shower will be visible, weather permitting, tonight through Monday, November 18. NASA and the SLOOH Space Camera are both offering live streams of the all-night show of the Leonid Meteor Shower.
“I think the discovery of supersymmetric partners for the known particles would revolutionize our understanding of the universe,” Hawking said.
Jeff DeGraff: As a rule of thumb I like to tell people you have to be very open and an innovation usually takes you three times as long and at least twice the amount of money you thought it would.
Bridges do collapse. Products do blow up. Drugs that save millions of people’s lives often in the development stage kill people. This is something that you have to be very honest about.
The secret to cultivating internal energy is to relax the nervous and muscuskeletal system simultaneously. Chi animates the body and makes it alive.