What a long strange trip it’s been.
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AI was key to making Moderna’s COVID mRNA vaccine. Its role in mRNA therapeutics will rapidly grow in the coming years.
To break “analysis paralysis,” reduce the number of available options — and introduce an element of chance.
In 1054, a core-collapse supernova occurred 6500 light-years away. In 2023, JWST imaged the remnant, and might solve a massive mystery.
Every successful leader can mine golden knowledge from the works of the Bard.
Capsaicin is already used to treat nerve pain. Early research hints it could do more.
Scientists don’t understand why the correlation exists.
Through humility, the old arrogance of infallibility crumbles. And in that there is genuine hope to prevent wrongful convictions.
Out of the four rocky planets in our Solar System, only Earth presently has plate tectonics. But billions of years ago, Venus had them, too.
Survey data suggests that our bodily perceptions of love extend far beyond the heart.
These astounding inventions show that civilizations of the past were a lot more advanced than we might have thought.
What worked before won’t necessarily work this time — and the best leaders will adapt.
For the first time, astronomers have created a data-driven estimate for how many black holes are in our Universe: more than anyone expected.
“Burke’s the butcher, Hare’s the thief, and Knox the man who buys the beef.” Read the story of 19th-century Scotland’s corpse dealers.
The history of hell doesn’t begin with the Old Testament. Instead, hell took shape in the 2nd century from Mediterranean cultural exchange.
See the 3 biggest space stories from October 16-22, 2023.
“Time Warp” all the way back to 1800s spiritualism, magic performances, and spook shows.
We’ve heard this argument before.
Every opportunity seized is another lost — but not choosing is the worst choice of all.
Sophisticated rovers have found the conditions for Martian life, as well as the building blocks of life, but never life itself. AI can help.
Tikal, one of the biggest cities the Maya ever built, was home to a vast and flourishing society.
If you said “with the Big Bang,” congratulations: that was our best answer as of ~1979. Here’s what we’ve learned in all the time since.
A new study provides the first proof-of-principle that genetic material transferred from one species to another can increase both longevity and healthspan in the recipient animal.
If someone can make you feel insecure, incomplete, and inadequate, they then can present themselves as the solution you need.
Einstein’s theory of general relativity introduced the concept of space having a shape. So, what is the shape of space?
Discover the ancient wisdom of not pushing the river.
A healthy lifestyle even protects those who are genetically predisposed to depression.
In 2017, a kilonova sent light and gravitational waves across the Universe. Here on Earth, there was a 1.7 second signal arrival delay. Why?
Using peach and eggplant emojis as shorthand for sex may seem like a new thing, but Renaissance artists were experts at using produce to imply intercourse.