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Ways to Make Your Website More Environmentally Friendly

Websites aren’t just bits of information floating in nothingness until appearing on a computer screen. They can have significant environmental impacts that ought not go unchecked.
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As Alford Wyatt writes over at PC World, there’s a lot more to websites than words on a screen:

“Your website could be doing a lot more harm to the planet than you think. It might seem like a flash on a screen couldn’t cause much damage, but every small feature of your site has a discernible impact on the environment, with more complex features requiring greater resources to maintain. Over time and in great quantities, it adds up. Many factors – from the color palette you choose to where you host your site – can influence your site’s carbon footprint.”

So how does Wyatt suggest you go about making your website a little greener? You can start by choosing a web host dedicated to environmentally friendly practices such as renewable energy. You can then focus on whether your site’s specs and design match up with your environmental needs. Did you know that sites that incorporate white and other light hues use less energy than darker ones? Faster sites also require less energy to power so make sure you’re optimizing your page’s efficiency.

For more on these tips, as well as others, I highly recommend checking out Wyatt’s interesting piece (linked below).

Read more at PC World

Photo credit: ronstik / Shutterstock

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