“I think it’s about time we stop allowing every male generation bang their frontal lobe through its most developmental stages.”
How black and white is your thinking?
Just because you can’t experience it doesn’t mean it’s not real.
Will “Sausage Party” survive the test of time?
How many scientists does it take to ruin a good conspiracy?
If you’re an atheist with a vocation, who laid that path for you?
“I have a friend who thinks vaccines cause autism,” writes Nina. “What can I do?”
There’s little more infuriating in the world than being told to “calm down” when you’re in the midst of a simmering grump.
How can “you” move on when the old “you” is gone?
Reading this article would be such a millennial thing to do.
Would you be upset if I called you an eggplant?
People often say, “Let go,” or, “Don’t take things to heart.” But where’s the line with this philosophy?
Why do we tip waitstaff and cabdrivers but not flight attendants and retail clerks?
In today’s political climate, how can we come together and seek some common ground or understanding? What are the mechanics of doing that? Is there some script or set of […]
Does Platonic love actually exist?
Desire is like a drug. But is an addict always an addict?
Philosophy cures no disease and invents nothing new. What’s even the point?
If philosophers really enjoy one thing, it’s a good debate — but not an argument.
Is it ever possible for God to violate the laws of nature?
How do you cope when joining a team shatters your confidence? Albert Camus and Harry Stack Sullivan can help.
“I know what you’re thinking” can sound kind or creepy — depending on who’s saying it.
There’s a fine line between ambition and ruthlessness.
When stuffed and staring down the last bite, you might hear your mother’s voice in your mind.
In the fight between head and heart, psychologists will win.
Is a repressed memory always so bad?
Is there a force keeping humanity in check?
Are fava beans and chianti really the best pairing for human liver?
God is not a vending machine, but is it wrong to treat him like one?
A reader asks whether we have an ethical responsibility to always debate bad beliefs, especially those that come from our elders.
If music is a window onto truth, what does screaming reveal?