We take for granted that time is real. But what if it’s only an illusion, and a relative illusion at that? Does time even exist?
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AI helped create films like “Jurassic Park” and “A.I.”, so Steven Spielberg and other artists shouldn’t worry about losing their jobs.
Michael Faraday’s 1834 law of induction was the key experiment behind the eventual discovery of relativity. Einstein admitted it himself.
By probing the Universe on atomic scales and smaller, we can reveal the entirety of the Standard Model, and with it, the quantum Universe.
Cal Newport explains how you and your teams can accomplish more while improving quality and supercharging workplace morale.
LIGO can detect the inspirals and mergers of the lowest-mass black holes, but not the biggest ones. Here’s how pulsars can help.
The first observational evidence showing the Universe is expanding is 100 years old now: in 2023. Here’s the story of its 100th anniversary.
We have pipelines for oil and natural gas. Why not water?
For the very first time, an AR contact lens was worn on the eye of a human subject. And it has about 30 times the pixel density of an iPhone.
Wealth concentration among elites was common in ancient nations, but the scale on which it took place in Egypt’s 18th Dynasty was unprecedented.
The secret sauce is the real world.
Before anesthetics, some patients would die of the pain on the operating table.
The minimum wage is a popular policy, but it’s not the only way governments have tried to help workers secure a decent living.
Jokes so cheesy even French philosophers will love them.
“Language is the most distinctively human talent.”
A new family of drugs is changing the way scientists are thinking about obesity.
Wind farms seem less productive when scientists incorporate more realistic atmospheric models into their output predictions.
Dennis “Thresh” Fong talks to us about battling Elon Musk in Quake in the ‘90s, his undefeated record as a pro gamer, and using AI to detoxify gaming.
Some biologists believe natural selection produces animals that are just good enough. Dawkins disagrees.
From how life emerged on Earth to why we dream, these unanswered questions continue to perplex scientists.
UAP are no laughing matter anymore.
Get the most out of your coffee.
Edible electronics, devices that can be broken down and digested, could perform many useful functions inside the body.
Shortly after planet Earth formed, life took a permanent hold on our surface. But just how common is such an outcome?
Arguments on social media are notorious. Can practicing intellectual humility make us smarter and happier? Science says yes.
Music and sounds only seem to reduce pain in mice when played at a specific volume.
New studies stretch the boundaries of physics, achieving quantum entanglement in larger systems.
A radical proposal reimagines Europe as a carbon-neutral continent where national boundaries are replaced by regions defined by renewable energy capabilities.
The common drug is called gabapentin, which is currently used to control seizures and manage nerve pain.