Big Think+ Blog

Big Think+ Blog

Learn leadership development from the world’s biggest thinkers

How to grow (and measure) inclusion in the workplace
Learning and development leaders can play a key role in fostering inclusion in the workplace, improving creativity and innovation in the process.
Soft skills training: Why every business needs it
Soft skills training can help develop transformation-ready employees and equip entire organizations to adapt to an unpredictable future.
Why learning and development will be vital in 2022
More and more business leaders are starting to lean on learning and development for support in facing essential challenges. 
What is blended learning? Benefits, best practices, and more
Blended learning reflects how people learn and develop naturally every day. Here’s how to put it into practice.
How to create a learning culture in the workplace
By building a learning culture, L&D leaders can equip their organizations to adapt to a business world that is transforming before our eyes.
Upskilling: The key to success in the new world of work
Upskilling prepares today’s workforce for tomorrow’s opportunities, positioning organizations for success in the future.
Implicit bias training: How can we make it more effective?
There’s still hope for implicit bias training, research shows.
Emotional intelligence in the workplace: Why it matters and how to build it
Harnessing the power of emotional intelligence in the workplace can improve both employee and operational performance.
How to build a successful leadership development program
Leadership training can have huge dividends, when it’s done right. Here are seven best practices for building a leadership development program that works.
Four diversity training methods that actually work
Diversity training is easy to get wrong. Here’s how to build an effective program. 
Management training: How to equip team leaders to thrive
With the right management training program, organizations can empower leaders with the skills they need to succeed — giving everyone on the team a leg up.
Resilience training: Why mental toughness at work matters
Resilience training can be instrumental in helping employees recover from difficulties and embrace change in the workplace.
Navigating the fifth trimester: Why working parents need better support
A textbook pregnancy consists of three trimesters. The baby develops at a relatively predictable rate during this time, from pomegranate seed to avocado to watermelon. And mom’s body adapts accordingly […]
Generate brilliant ideas by relaxing your cognitive filters
Your brain is bursting with ideas, and most of them are … weird. You only have to recall the wonderfully bonkers notions of your childhood. Like the time you wanted […]
The Four A’s of visual intelligence
Looking probably isn’t something you need to practice. People believe they can apprehend a painting at a glance. They read coworkers’ messages and assume they understand a situation. Or they […]
Need to take your time back? Try these four open-thinking strategies.
Everyone has pondered what they would do with an extra hour a day. Would they get more sleep or spend more time with family? Spend time on a side project […]

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