
Curate & launch custom learning experiences in minutes

Save and group video lessons and expert classes to support your unique learning programs.

Collage of eight individual portraits arranged around a central box labeled "+ New Curation.
Build & launch custom curations

While structured courses can be critical to learning, learning managers and modern learners also want the ability to customize their experiences and blaze their own learning journeys.

Curations enables learning managers and learners to save and group Video Lessons, Expert Classes, Learning Paths, and Courses for self-paced learning. With just a few clicks, learning managers can publish Curations to their learners’ home pages for easy access to custom learning experiences.

Image of four people with plus icons connecting to a digital form titled "Add to Curation" listing items like "Next quarter's focus: building team culture" with checkboxes.
Empower & engage learners

With rapidly changing learning needs within your organization, Curations allows learners and learning managers to adapt and deploy content instantly. Empower your learners to:

Save content to watch later

Create custom learning experiences based on learning goals and preferences

Curate content for your organization and launch within minutes

Stay engaged with experiences that are more meaningful to them

A highlighted image shows a person in a sweater titled "Inclusion for Impact" with a duration of 01:17:41. It’s part of a curation list for an organization. The adjacent image is faded.
Screenshot of an online course page titled "Inclusion for Impact" showing speaker sessions: Chloé Valdary, Judith Butler, and Temple Grandin, each with their topics and learning objectives.
Support robust & intricate
learning programs

Take Curations even further by grouping content to match the structure of your robust learning programs.

Learning managers can easily organize Curations into separate sections, each with its own name, description, and runtime. These sections can be used to arrange content according to theme, learner level, or specific learning program. Any content can be dragged from one section to another, and sections themselves can be easily rearranged.

Request a free demo and gain access to the entire learning platform