Timothy Monicken
I've been researching 'Artificial Intellect' for the past two decades: the reseach has required an ever-broadened investigation of humanity's intellectual landscape and knowledge bases, The methodology used was long ago deemed by our industry as the "auto-epistemological approach" to the creation of "applied machine intellect (AMI);" one chief proponent of this approach involes the study of reconnoitering dialog... ones specifically aimed at the problem solving & desicion-making (PADM) process and, ideally, ones that also include the ever-remediating determinates surrounding risk-management/ review & assessment. My group has a finished model that we soon hope to develop into a prototype.
My special interest in all this (my life's work) has been aimed primarily at achieving sustainable ecologies at all levels of existence, but most importantly the apprehension of cybernetic health via the internalization of what we refer to as the 'CHI' Fatorization: CHI is the acronym for collective human intellect.