So You Hate Your Job. Here’s What to Do About It

According to Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a professor at Harvard Business School, engagement is a problem all over the world. However, there are examples of companies both large and small that have found a solution to the engagement crisis. The solution appears to be very simple. Do you feel like you make a difference when you go to work? If the answer is yes, you tend to be happy. If the answer is no, you tend to feel miserable.
The implementation of this solution, on the other hand, is difficult. Kanter likens the process of finding job satisfaction to solving a Rubik’s cube: “you twist and try to get the colors right until you get everything in perfect alignment.”
This involves embedding the right sense of values and purpose in work, which Kanter argues is not “a luxury in good times…it’s actually a necessity in hard times.”
The video is part of our series of the most popular videos of Summer 2013.
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