Meet the Greatest Generation: The Internet Pioneers

What’s the Big Idea?
Is the American Dream a “relay race”? That means each successive generation helping the next one, a story we have been hearing over and over again this week at the Democratic and Republican National Convention.
Whatever you think about Democratic or Republican politics, a lot of it sounds like nostalgia. After all, the 21st century version of the American Dream is developing as one of generational strife. The rising generation, after all, is being handed an enormous debt and diminished expectations for the future. And yet. And yet, there is reason for optimism. This generation, which is masterfully presented by marketing guru Jack Myers in his new book, Hooked Up: A New Generation’s Surprising Take on Sex, Politics and Saving the World, is not the entitled, selfish generation that is often portrayed by its many critics in the media, but rather, are a remarkably complex bunch. Internet Pioneers, those roughly born in the early 1990s, Myers argues, are:
“impatient, empowered, multi-tasking, curious, confident, confused, sexually liberated, sometimes binge-drinking, and often fragile kids.”
Meet them in the video here:
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