A Shot Heard Round the World? Liberator, the First Wiki Weapon

A recent poll found that 29 percent of Americans think an armed rebellion might be necessary. And Americans are armed to the teeth. There are somewhere between 270 million to 300 million guns in the U.S., based on different estimates.
That makes the U.S. the world leader in the category of guns per 100 people: Americans possess 88 guns per 100 people (Yemen comes in second at 54.8).
Now, thanks to 3D printing, firearms are becoming more widely available than ever before. In the video below, a 3D-printed “Wiki Weapon” known as the Liberator is fired off.
The weapon is the brainchild of Defense Distributed, which aims to distribute freely available plans for 3D printable guns.
Let us know what you think about this development in the comments below.
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