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If you embrace three things – fanatic discipline, empirical creativity, and the ambition for something bigger than yourself – you are going to be of immense value to whatever enterprise that you’re part of. 
Before you buy a house, before you buy a car, before you start acquiring things, first put away enough savings so you could go a year without a job because you might have to.
Niall Ferguson: I’m constantly struck by the levels of historical ignorance that I encounter.  In rooms full of very well-paid financial professionals, nobody appears to have read any of the major works of financial history of the last 30 or 40 years.
For every one Western 17-year-old boy there are about 28 Chinese boys the same age working twice as hard to get the lifestyle that our one Western kid assumes will be his.
2014 might mean out with the old (as was the case with Comet ISON, which fell victims to the sun), and yet, Comet Lovejoy (C/2013 R1) is still alive and well, and was captured in this scene on New Year’s day.
We have an archive of antique and, in fact, fossil DNA in museums that compliments the DNA and the genomics that we acquire from living humans and living animals. 
An entire generation of baby boomer men grew up thinking that the office was going to always look like the set of Madmen. Instead, these men today are confused and bewildered by all the the changes in our culture. 
So Hanna Rosin is getting some attention by playing with the big idea that “men are finished.” That doesn’t mean they will literally disappear. It’s just women don’t need them […]
The word “whistleblower” has a heroic connotation. A leaker, on the other hand, might be someone who is guilty of criminal deeds that warrant punishment. 
Kindness is not about “being a doormat and letting someone walk over you.” Kinndness needs to be “infused with wisdom, supported by courage, and threaded with balance.”