Alva Noë: Too many cognitive scientists tend to take a 17th century conception of the person as an individual island trapped inside his or her head and we need to break free of that.
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Places that today aren’t really seeing a particular water challenge, are absolutely going to have problems if we don’t change our ways.
2.5 billion people in the world don’t have access to improved sanitation.
So we need to stop thinking about a waste water stream as pure waste and look at it as an asset.
Jim Kakalios: Personally, I’d like to be able to catch my thought every now and then.
Physicists trying to develop a quantum theory of gravity have found that they needed to dust off the “many worlds interpretation” and apply it to their theories in order to make them work out.
By the middle of the next decade, we believe we can reach a tipping point where the competitive advantages of microgravity will become more widely accepted and more widely known.
In order to venture further and further out we’re going to have to have crews that can withstand the rigors of space for years at a time.
Linda Hill: I think it’s very important to understand how people are going to respond when they actually are stressed or when they don’t know something.
It’s only natural that people are only going to give interesting and important high-stakes work to people they know and people they trust.
No one learns to do their jobs in school. You learn your job through experience and through your relationships at work.
“I’ve never believed in God, but I believe in Picasso. ”- Diego Rivera (born on this date in 1886)
The Nelson Mandela of American mythology differs in a few key ways from Nelson Mandela the man.
Victory at Sea utilized a full arsenal of media to create what Harper’s called “a new art form.”
Earth is actually the brightest source of gamma-rays, the most energetic form of light.
“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”-Noam Chomsky (born on this date in 1928)
Google is looking to build an artificial brain, a fact that “some may consider thrilling and others deeply unsettling. Or both.”
Mandela’s legacy of a better world, with better people behaving in better ways is often nowhere better undermined than on “social” media. During the period where the world seemed to […]
Have you ever considered all of the ways just a single poor night of sleep may be messing with you?
It’s cheaper to save people’s lives in poor countries than it is in rich countries. So how much is a life worth?
Don’t count on it.
Any biographer writing about a familiar subject faces the same towering problem—how do I make this person seem new and modern? When writing about an artist such as Norman Rockwell, […]
Archie Archambault, that’s who! The philosophy graduate turned printer struck upon the concept of circular maps after moving to Portland. In Oregon’s biggest city, he felt something that must have […]
“To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” -Nelson Mandela
The computer scientists and ranking enthusiasts Steven Skiena and Charles Ward used Google’s Page-Rank algorithm to determine the most significant people of all time.
Throughout history ideas about gender have always tended to drift back and forth into science and then back out into the culture.
Upon moving to Los Angeles two years ago last month, I was surprised by how few drivers use turn signals. For a city literally built around the car, it continually […]
The negative consequences of conducting relationships at arm’s length, round-the-clock, and simultaneously, and only with those who reinforce one’s worldview.
“What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.”-Werner Heisenberg
You know those national debt counters, with the numbers that rapidly get bigger and bigger? Or those global population counters that do the same thing? Well now comes a […]