Bees learn and culturally transmit their communication skills.
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Parity tasks (such as odd and even categorisation) are considered abstract and high-level numerical concepts in humans.
Of the world’s 300 honey varieties, none is stranger and more dangerous than mad honey.
An un-crewed sailing drone discovered the unusually shaped, slumbering seamount.
Adrie Kusserow, an anthropologist and scholar of Buddhism, shares how her study of the religion and its history has reshaped her view of the world — and herself.
These nematodes complicate how we understand evolutionary lineages.
Researchers are working nest by nest to limit the threat while developing better eradication methods.
Because Dylan “samples and digests” songs from the past, he has been accused of plagiarism. But imitatio isn’t the same.
Pugs are funny and cute, but that is because we have bred them intentionally to have debilitating genetic mutations. Is that ethical?
An expert explains the emerging science of nutrigenomics.
During the industrial era the cost of artificial light fell off a cliff — and the road to illumination was paved with ingenuity and slaughter.
“You gotta know when to fold ’em.”
What the breakthrough methods of laboratory research can teach the business world about brainstorming.
Recent discoveries about bodily awareness have changed how scientists think about the nature of consciousness.
Like many of us, the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius hated waking up early, but his stoic philosophy always helped him get out of bed.
From forecasting stock prices to diagnosing disease, Swarm AI enables better group decisions.
Late-night shows, developed during the “golden age” of TV, are no longer as relevant in the age of streaming services and Donald Trump.
There are issues with Kinsey’s data, but his books revolutionized Americans’ thinking about sex and sexuality.
Researchers develop a fungus that kills mites that contribute to honey bee Colony Collapse Disorder.
Humans are good visual thinkers, too, but we tend to privilege verbal thinking.
Since 1962, humanity has been sending messages into space with the intent to make contact with intelligent extraterrestrials. Are those efforts worth the risks?
Elephants mourn the dead, dolphins give names to each other, and insects can recognize faces. The animal world is much smarter than we think.
Is the dumpster in the alley worthy of a poem?
Physicists have yet to pinpoint the hypothetical matter that keeps galaxies from flying apart. Now they have a new focus.
Inspired by the group behaviors of simple animals, a team of roboticists has developed a new way for swarm robots to maneuver on land.
To enable us to read, the brain piggybacks on other cognitive processes.
Everyone has to learn about sex somehow. Today, billions of people are learning about it from porn.