Big Think+ Blog

Big Think+ Blog

Learn leadership development from the world’s biggest thinkers

Getting Used to Having More By Owning Less
 Any music lover who subscribes to a streaming-music service such as Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, or the like has entered into a bargain that represents a profound shift in the […]
To Win with Algorithms, We Need to Keep Score of Humans
 More and more companies are incorporating machine-based intelligence in decision-making processes. Computers are great at numbers and finding meaningful trends in big data, so this makes sense. On the other […]
Help Team Members Challenge Themselves
 Jane McGonigal is a game designer whose SuperBetter app teaches you to “live gamefully.” Coming from a gaming background, she knows all about how exhilarating it is to take on an intriguing challenge […]
Fearful Employees Can’t Help But Sabotage a Company
 Few people come to work with the intention of doing damage to their company — in fact, quite the opposite. And yet, in a culture where an employee doesn’t feel […]
Leverage Your Team’s Individual Insights
In his Big Think+ expert class The Astronaut’s Guide to Risk Mitigation, retired NASA astronaut Scott Parazynski discusses the concept, and importance of, “situationally appropriate leadership.” A rigid top-down direction may […]
Connect. The Next Thing Will Wait.
 A one-on-one conversation is a valuable opportunity to connect with someone and to benefit from what they have to say. Unfortunately, these chats tend to happen in the middle of […]
When the Team Wins with Shane Battier
In a company, there are the star performers whose achievements rightfully earn a lion’s share of the attention. Equally as often, though, there are others outside the spotlight whose commitment […]
Build Trust All Day
It’s great to be in a position of authority — you have a unique chance to get things done and move your business forward. Command, though, is a funny thing: […]
Authentic Learning and Why You Can’t Choreograph Success
Motivation works in some complex ways. There are reward systems, giving a person something they really want after completing a task. There’s reinforcement, punishing bad behavior and buttressing good behavior. […]
How to Make Diversity Training Stick (And Not Fail)
Achieving successful diversity training can be a challenge for many employers because employees may regard this type of mandatory training as unnecessary, cumbersome, tedious, or even aggravating. Many view them […]
3 Things to Keep Top of Mind When Onboarding New Employees
There are many integral components to successful and effective employe onboarding over the days, weeks, and months after a new hire has joined your organization. Some of the basics include […]
Why You Need to Hire for “Culture Add”
Knowing what to look for when hiring new talent for your organization creates many challenges, as different hiring managers recommend hiring for different things. Some talent & acquisition professionals will […]
5 secrets of personal growth (and how to achieve your own)
For any business or organization, it’s essential to an organization’s success to create an environment that encourages personal growth and having a growth mindset. In a Harvard Business Review (HBR) […]
Leading by Example: How to Increase Employee Empowerment
As a leader, you’re in an incredible position to contribute to the success of your employees, as well as create an environment that promotes, encourages, and nurtures employee empowerment. By […]
Why the Best Business Communication Isn’t Just Words
To be successful in business communication, you need to be able to leverage certain types of business communication skills effectively. Some of these abilities include strong written and verbal communication, […]
3 Quick & Dirty Tips About Persuasive Marketing
The art of persuasion in sales & marketing is one that has changed significantly in recent years. Rather than trying to make your voice the loudest, basically yelling “look at […]

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