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The Chinese Economy is Slowing, and That’s a Good Thing

While the Chinese economy is said to have kept the world afloat through the latest economic crises, reformers have also pressured China to cultivate a more consumer-oriented economy.
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What’s the Latest Development?

Many economists have overestimated China’s ability to rebound from the global economic slump. While forecasters predicted that China would achieve a growth rate of 8.2%, it remained at 7.7% through the first quarter of the new year (a difference of billions of dollars). But now, economists believe that may be a sign of a more stable Chinese economy that is making a long-awaited structural transition. “The broad outlines of this transformation are well known – a shift from export- and investment-led growth to an economic structure that draws greater support from domestic private consumption. Less well known is that a rebalanced China should have a slower growth rate – the first hints of which may now be evident.”

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What’s the Big Idea?

While the Chinese economy is said to have kept the world afloat through the latest economic crises, reformers have also pressured China to cultivate a more consumer-oriented economy, i.e. the kind that made the US a global superpower and created a vast middle class. “A rebalanced China can grow more slowly for one simple reason: By drawing increased support from services-led consumer demand, China’s new model will embrace a more labor-intensive growth recipe. The numbers seem to bear that out. China’s services sector requires about 35% more jobs per unit of GDP than do manufacturing and construction – the primary drivers of the old model.”

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Read it at Project Syndicate

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