Sheryl WuDunn: We Can’t Let Rotten Charities Ruin the Giving Industry
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Sheryl WuDunn recently visited Big Think to discuss her new book, A Path Appears.

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Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Sheryl WuDunn recently visited Big Think to discuss her new book, A Path Appears. She talked about the burgeoning giving industry and why you have to wary of various “charitable” organizations. You can watch the entire clip below.
“Giving is great. It’s good for your health. There are many reasons why you should be participating in trying to change the world around you. At the same time you also have to be careful. There are some charities that are much better at it. There are some charities that are scams and you have to be careful. And sometimes there are some real rotten apples but you can’t let the rotten apples spoil the entire industry.”
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