Who's in the Video bigthinkeditor Go to Profile All Videos Brain Movies ▸ with bigthinkeditor Copy a link to the article entitled http://Brain%20Movies Share Brain Movies on Facebook Share Brain Movies on Twitter (X) Share Brain Movies on LinkedIn Up Next Marriage 3.0: Relationships in the Post-Romantic Age ▸ 2 min — with Pamela Haag
Business Trick of the brain on hindsight: Founders who think they’re heroes Why the best entrepreneurs should be more Obi-Wan Kenobi than Luke Skywalker.
The psychopathic brain is different—but it CAN be treated Humans are among the most altruistic species that we’ve studied, due to our alloparental instincts – a trait we evolved into that allows us to care for offspring who are […] ▸ 10 min — with Abigail Marsh
Perception Box A Harvard physician’s guide to rewriting your brain’s stress responses Dr. Aditi Nerurkar on toxic resilience and the importance of gratitude and breathing. ▸ 9 min — with Dr. Aditi Nerurkar
Neuropsych The brain’s “switch” that puts fear into overdrive Recent research sheds light on how the brain overgeneralizes fear, causing people to be afraid of harmless situations.
Health Discovered: A “brain-body circuit” that turns inflammation up and down “If we could target those circuits very precisely, then there’s great potential to block the inflammation response for many diseases.”