Are You Still Getting Your Music From AM/FM Radio?

What’s the Latest Development?
A survey of 7,600 Americans aged 13 and over by the market research group NPD revealed that, during the fourth quarter of 2012, 23 percent of the average weekly music listening time among teens and young adults (ages 13-35) was spent listening to Internet radio, up 17 percent from the previous year. Meanwhile, among the same group and during the same period, traditional AM/FM radio fell two points, to 24 percent of listening time. Among older adults, AM/FM is still strong, accounting for 41 percent of listening time compared to 13 percent spent listening to Internet radio.
What’s the Big Idea?
It may be too soon to sound the death knell for traditional radio, at least when it comes to audience numbers, but the impact of the Internet and mobile technology is undeniable, says NPD vice president Russ Crupnick. One service in particular, Pandora, enjoys 39 percent of total Internet radio listenership among teens and young adults. Other forms of music delivery, such as CDs and digital files, are decreasing in popularity. The survey also reports that 51 percent of teens and young adults most often listen to music in their cars, which Crupnick says points to the role of music — regardless of its source — “in the American driving and commuting experience.”
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