Upload your mind? Here’s a reality check on the Singularity.
5 min
A NASA astronomer explains how astronauts dispose of their, uh, dark matter.
2 min
It may create the conditions for further inequality.
Study looks at who/what they prefer learning from
Also, don’t offer screen-time as a reward for good behavior.
Co-ops are more pervasive than you think. They just suffer from a marketing problem.
Human values evolve. So how will we raise virtuous A.I.s?
5 min
How could we create a technology capable of replacing our own reality?
Recipe for awe: Coat one egg with Starlite. Blast it with a ridiculous amount of heat until charred black. Crack it open.
Psychedelics are crude drugs. Could neuroscience and super-intelligent AI help us design something better?
6 min
When Cresswell returned to teaching after a five-year break, she noticed a marked difference in the ways undergraduates approached learning in the classroom.
The Tesla CEO said the Hardware 3 upgrade has “1000 percent more capability” than the current hardware.
Some of them were surprisingly astute.
This technology could close the gap between nature and the man-made environment.
Renowned scientists and technologists who’ve passed away in 2018.
An exhaustive report from The New York Times shows the alarming extents to which Facebook has been sharing user data.
A new study from Nvidia researchers show just how far artificial image-generation technology has come in recent years.
The Russian robot named “Boris”, promoted as hi-tech by state tv, was revealed to be an actor.
A tech-minded approach to drug fraud could squash those who enable the deadly opioid crisis.
5 min
“Didn’t you see me Googling ‘baby not moving?'” Gillian Brockell wrote a heartbreaking open letter to big tech companies imploring them to change the ways they target ads to users.
VR’s coolest feature? Boosting compassion and empathy.
3 min
Technology’s rapid advances may slow down, limiting our possibilities.
The National Institutes of Health recently began a $300-million study to examine the effects of screen time on developing brains.
To strengthen your mind, work with your hands, says former astronaut Leland Melvin.
3 min
Explore McLuhan’s theory on print culture and its influential hold over civilization.
Amazon could be the next big tech firm to find itself in the eye of a data privacy storm.
It was “one of the most complex and intricate endeavors” SpaceX has ever undertaken.
Back with another one of those block(chain)-rockin’ reads.
As this typewritten map shows, constraints can be freeing.
The $480 million contract could lead the company to make more than 100,000 augmented reality headsets for the military.